
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cherries and Resveratrol

Include black cherry juice in your diet for the resveratrol content. Resveratrol inhibits tumor growth and help in the formation of nerve cells, which may help in diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinson. It protects muscle health by reducing muscle wasting associated with diabetes and cancer. Check with your doctor or health worker should you decide to supplement your resveratrol intake with capsules. Muscadine grapes have the highest concentration of resveratrol in nature because of the extra thick skins. Plants produce resveratrol to protect themselves from fungus, as well as other infections and disease. And that’s exactly why this same compound is so effective for humans. It helps prevent damage on a cellular level.

In the case of gout, cherries have been connected with reduced uric acid levels. They have also been noticed to decrease the frequency of gout attacks. Eating more cherries is a healthy way to support you against gout. Increased vitamin C may reduce uric acid levels. Eat more vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin C, especially guavas, which are rich in vitamin C. The extra vitamin C from these foods will help you against gout.

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